Every page of scripture tells the powerful story of God’s immeasurable love for us. God’s Word holds wisdom for every situation we face.

    2 Timothy 3:16 says “All scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realise what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.”


    We were created to worship! Our very first purpose in life is to praise and worship our God; it is our primary objective and our highest priority.

    Worship is all about acknowledging Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. It is a lifestyle, it is 24/7. It is how we live, it is an attitude, it is choosing to live a life that adores, glorifies, and lifts up His name.


    Marriage is God’s idea, He loves marriage! It is about God’s covenant to us because marriage is a covenant, a promise to give - that’s why we have vows.

    Marriage perfectly reflects God’s covenant to us - that no matter how much we fail - He loves us unconditionally. We are committed to supporting all marriages especially in challenging seasons.


    God did not intend for us to do life alone. An authentic faith community enables us to encourage and be encouraged; serve and be served, love and be loved.

    We get to do life together celebrating the highs and wins, and standing alongside each other during the low moments and more difficult and challenging seasons of life.


    When we gather in Heaven, we will stand beside people from every nation and of every language. Diversity is another expression of God’s creativity.

    We celebrate all our creative differences and embrace the things that make us unique and different. Our great commission is to go into the world and make disciples of ALL nations!



    There is something so incredibly special and powerful when the church gathers together, and
    for us that is through our Sunday Services.

    Sundays are our opportunity to gather around the big ‘family table' and enjoy meaningful fellowship, lean into the teaching of scripture and engage in corporate worship together.


    Prayer is our first line of response in any and every situation. Jesus taught his disciples how to pray and scripture continually teaches us the importance of prayer.

    We believe in the power of prayer, and we believe that prayer changes things. When the church family unites in prayer, the power is awesome, and the effect is unimaginable.


    Family is God’s idea and design. It reflects the intimate relationship of the trinity in their heavenly home.

    Family today can look very different but what defines a family isn’t just the biological makeup. The human heart is not searching for anything superficial when it seeks to be part of a family. It is seeking inclusion, belonging, and love and this heart cry resides in every human.


    Unity is a key theme in The Bible. God blesses unity and we all have a part to play in fighting for it. Church is made up of people and, believe it or not, there are no perfect people.

    Every one of us must learn how to deal with conflict and become united. It’s not often the easy option but because God values unity, we value unity. So we will fight for unity in all relationships.


    Generosity is a choice and a heart thing! The Bible has lots to say about the condition of our heart and instructs us to be kind and generous, to give and help others.

    Generosity is a reflection of the nature of God - He is the ultimate giver! John 3:16 says “God so loved the world that He gave his only son, so whoever believes in Him would not perish but have eternal life.”