22nd Sept | 10:30am | Leyton Road, AL5 2FR


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to expect

We value Sundays and our Sunday services are the best part of our week. They’re uplifting, encouraging, full of hope and all about Jesus!

On arrival, you will be greeted by our friendly Welcome Team and invited into the main hall where you can easily find a seat and get comfortable. You’ll also receive a small communion cup on your way in too.

Our services include worship, prayer, personal stories, communion and a powerful and inspiring gospel message before we head out to the foyer for coffee & homemade cakes.

There’ll also be plenty of opportunities for you to meet new people and ask any questions you have about The Rock Church.


Our amazing Rock School Team always prepares a fun, educational and engaging programme for all children aged 3-11.

If you have a child under the age of 3, we have a comfortable and inclusive parent/guardian room available. It has everything you’ll need plus a livestream of the service - so you won’t miss a thing!

All young people over the age of 11 are invited to join us in the service and are welcome to sit with family or with our Rock Youth who regularly sit together at the front - so come and say hello!


The Rock Church has been meeting in Katherine Warington School for almost 3 years, and we have well and truly outgrown it.

So, we are moving!

From February 2025, we will be meeting at The Eric Morecambe Centre (EMC) every Sunday.

As the venue is not fully available every Sunday until then, we will be going between EMC and The Alban Arena and The Chapel in the meantime.

  • AL5 2FR | Leyton Road, Harpenden

    More info

  • AL1 3LD | Civic Centre, St Albans

    More info.

  • AL5 4BX | 6 Highfield Oval, Harpenden.

    More info.

Don’t worry - it’s not going to be as confusing as it sounds! In fact, we have made a handy Sunday Services Calendar to keep track of where we are each Sunday for the rest of the year.

View the calendar here.


  • Our services begin promptly at 10:30am so we suggest arriving at least 15 minutes before.

    Make sure you get there in time to be welcomed in, find a seat and get comfortable.

  • Eric Morecambe Centre:

    Leyton Road Car Park
    Leyton Rd, AL5 2HU

    Rothamsted Research Car Park
    West Common, AL5 2JQ

    Lydekker Car Park
    Arcadian Ct, AL5 4JE

    Harpenden Leisure Centre
    £2.50 All day (Pay By Phone App or machine in car park)
    8 Amenbury Ln, AL5 2BT

    The Alban Arena:

    The Civic Centre Car Park to the rear of The Alban Arena.

    Alternatively, The Maltings Shopping Centre Car Park.

    The Chapel

    There is plenty of on site parking, as well as free street parking nearby.

  • Check our website for week to week venues, or you can also follow us on Instagram for any updates on location.

    Best of all, you can subscribe to our Sunday Services calendar too so you always know where we are:

  • We don’t have a dress code for our Sunday Service - wear what you feel comfortable in!

  • At The Rock Church, we are one big family and you are so welcome. Come as you are!

    Our services are upbeat and laidback. We love conversation and community so be sure to stick around for a coffee after the service.

  • Just yourself!

    We don’t have a cloak room or anything like that so whatever you bring will stay with you under your chair.